Friday, September 16, 2016

Big question

why do we need grades to tell us what we do in class? I think we should grade people on how they progress in class.
so stress with progress report cards

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

so I got 12 out of 16 on my test kind of fell proud of myself :)

Monday, September 12, 2016

fall vocab

coherent-of an argument, theory, or policy.
belabor-argue or elaborate (a subject) in excessive detail.
eschew-deliberately avoid using; abstain from
acquisitive-excessively interested in acquiring money or material things
emulate-match or surpass (a person or achievement), typically by imitation
banal-so lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring.
congeal-solidify or coagulate, especially by cooling
carping-difficult to please; critical
substantiate-provide evidence to support or prove the truth of
temporize-avoid making a decision or committing oneself in order to gain time
largesse-generosity in bestowing money or gifts upon others
tenable-able to be maintained or defended against attack or objection.
insatiable-of an appetite or desire) impossible to satisfy
reconnaissance-military observation of a region to locate an enemy or ascertain strategic features
germane-relevant to a subject under consideration.
ramify-form branches or offshoots; spread or branch out
intransigent-unwilling or refusing to change one's views or to agree about something
taciturn -reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little

Young Goodman Brown Questions

1. In my opinion, I think he wrote this to show us that even a dream can change our perspective on things.
2. Yes I believe he has faith in his wife Faith. her personality does match her name.
3. the pink ribbons symbolize the love she has, and her personality and also symbolizes her name.
4. it was all a dream. " But, Alas! It was a dream of evil omen for young Goodman Brown.
5. I think the man is the devil diguising himself as somebody close to Goodman Brown. the main reason I think so is because of his walking stick with the moving serpent, which relates to the story of Adam & Eve.
6. I think the staff doesn't do anything, Goodman Brown's own mind is making him see and do these things. He is already seeing weird evil things, so I think his mind is just playing tricks on him.
7. If he would have not gone, then he wouldn't be having all these problems and be so paranoid. The forest made him open his eyes to evil and think everybody and everything is against him and is out to turn him into evil.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

the Earth on Turtles Back

The Earth on turtles back is a short story that portrays heroism. Once the muskrat had the earth and brought it back up, the whole mood of the story seemed to change it was as if she brought back life. The woman had let the seeds fall and life began to come alive on the soil.